Guest Blog Post: You Are Worthy by Michael Barata

We surrender our self to people because we are taught to believe that’s what it means to serve. 

We barely get to know our self, which is why it’s so easy to surrender it. And for those who catch a glimpse of it, but deny it, that then causes us to fall prey to our fears and doubts. 

Sure, we always hold the power to be whatever we choose. But, when someone you respect or care deeply for or love prefers you don’t live your truth for whatever reason and if you comply, in that moment, you also dismiss your worth. 

I know it can be so incredibly challenging while you ache with pain, but know this, your worthiness is not to be bargained, cheapened, or denied by you or anyone. 

I am worthy.

You are worthy.

© Words: Michael Barata
© Image: Lukas Hartmann

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Guest Blog Post: Are You Hiding by Kathy K Taylor

Last year, I ran a group program through Facebook with an incredible group of women. It was a space where people were open and honest and supportive, even when – especially when – hard things were happening. It was a very best kind of community. The overall feedback was positive, but I wanted to dig… Continue Reading

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Guest Blog Post: Unfamiliar Places by Kathy K Taylor

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Guest Blog Post: Limitless by Grant Beckman

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Dear Misty, Today, I pray for you to embrace the tension of life, for it is helping to shift you to where I want you to be. I am leading you and guiding you, trust me more fully, in this mess. Breath into the space of discomfort. Sit with it. Don’t make it all right… Continue Reading

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I would have lost heart…when I got diagnosed with Moderately Severe Depression February 2017, unless I believe this would help me learn more about myself and help me love myself more. I would have lost heart…when I didn’t have the strength to do my everyday chores, due to endless fatigue and sleepless nights, unless I… Continue Reading

The Cross is a symbol of becoming NEW in Christ. This means there is a process to letting go of old ways, old stories, old behaviors, old thoughts, old feelings, old experiences, old beliefs. To create new means you have to Stop. Undo. Change. Release. Transition. Create or Build. Embrace. Focus. This week it has… Continue Reading