I have had a full week…I want to share two of my highlights with you:

Last Saturday was our monthly #DFWMinimalistGroup Meetup. We had the event, an early dinner, at 4pm at the Hard Rock Cafe, prior to the #LessIsNow Tour with Josh & Ryan, The Minimalists. The tour was booked months ago and everyone asked to meet up ahead of time. It so happened to fall on my Birthday. Initially I was like, this was not what I had planned to do on my birthday, but being I am the Leader of the DFW Chapter, it only seemed reasonable that I would make our meetup that day and buy a ticket to attend the event. As I thought about what I could do to turn the day into something more meaningful to me, beyond coordinating the time, I decided that I would buy everyone’s meal and beverages, no matter the quantity. The waitress asked if we were all separate checks and I responded no, it will be all on one. She looked at me like I had lost my brains. There were lots of, no, we won’t let you do that…and…you aren’t paying for mine…and…what if we don’t let you…etc. It was unbelievable how this was not accepted because it was my birthday so it was “wrong” for me to treat every one to a meal that cost me $500. It was the best way to treat myself to a birthday party and get to enjoy all the fun and not have to cook. Blessing 14 people, most of them strangers to me, was a blast!!! Doing something that they had no clue I was going to do, even more of a blast. Doing something that everyone didn’t think was right “since you are the birthday girl”, was even better! I have a thing right now for doing things that are so “wrong” and “absurd”. It speaks to my soul. I have never been allowed to be rebellious and live life my way. I am addicted to it.

Today, I had to go to one of my clients investors to pick up files and paperwork that was in storage in their warehouse. I was on my way back to the clinic from hauling all of these 8 boxes and server in my Honda Civic, when as I came off freeway to the off-ramp, a car was stalled in the right hand turn lane, his hood up, the car smoking. The black man was standing on the curb looking at his car. His shoulders down. His thoughts clearly a mile away. His facial expression dejected. I made the right hand turn and pulled around his car onto the side and parked. I walked back to his car in my 4″ high heeled black boots. His facial expression was shocked to see me do all this. I walked up to him smiling and said, do you need some help? He had nothing to say? I said, you seem to be trying to figure out what to do, how can I help? He stammered and said he was thinking he needed to move his car out of the way so that he wasn’t blocking traffic that wanted to turn. He then stopped mid sentence and looked at me and said “Why did you stop?” I said because I saw you were in need and wanted to see what I could do to help. He said I didn’t answer the question. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I said nothing and he talked more. He said, nobody else has stopped to help me, I don’t know why you would. It was almost as if he was trying to make a point to me. You are white. A girl. Why would you do this? I heard him. I didn’t answer that unasked question. Instead I said, Why wouldn’t I stop? He realized he wasn’t going to win this conversation. And this time he smiled and said, are you a christian? You have to be because you stopped. I laughed and told him that I love Jesus and I care about people. I went on to say that I would normally help him push a car, but I am in very high heeled boots and it would be a bit difficult to try to maneuver a car and get traction. It was like he wasn’t even listening to me because his eyes lite up, and he then quickly told me how he was a worship leader and loved to play music, and how he was so thankful I stopped. I asked him if he had enough battery on his cell phone. He said he thought so. I asked him if there was anything else I could do. He said no and then he looked back at his car and his eyes got dark and he struggled to find the words to talk more. By this time, two other guys had stopped and asked if he wanted help moving it. The very thing I was praying for…I knew my part was done and I got in my car and continued to the clinic.

I talk often about being present in the moment. I share frequently that you get to decide how you will live your life. I refer to the chance that each of us have to help someone and be a ripple effect. I will always ask you what matters most to you.

I am no different then you.

I could have been frustrated that something was booked on my birthday and it wasn’t “my idea”. I could have not stopped to help this man because I needed to get back to the clinic and resume my very important work that I can’t seem to get done in a day. I could have been consumed with my own struggles and not even seen these opportunities.

Yet when you decide to live from the heart, open your eyes to the world around you, connect to your core message and let it permeate you…your life will change.

Mine has.

Over and over the last 3 years…

Trust that you can do this thing called life in your own way. On your own terms. In your own method. Don’t try to be me.

Do your life your way. From the heart. And you will shine like the star and have one of the best birthday’s ever and a heart filled with love from helping someone in a moment of pain.
#CreateTheLifeYouWant #LiveIntentionally #ThePowerOfChoice#RippleEffect #RealLifeExamples

Today, I want to express extreme gratitude for my friends! I love my friends. The ones who help me do things that are too hard for me right now to do on my own. And for understanding that this is hard for me when I have always taken care of myself. The ones who speak… Continue Reading

People will walk in and out of your life. People will resonate with your spirit, your personality, your energy. People will connect with you, enjoy your company, and want to be with you. And some people won’t. I was raised to make friends with everyone. To not have cliches (pal around with one or two… Continue Reading

When life squeezes you deeper then you have ever been squeezed…When it sucks all the juice of life out of you…When it leaves no air to filter through your lungs…When it punctures your heart and makes it bleed open again, a wound that still hurts to the touch…When salt is added to an existing wound…… Continue Reading

I believe the success of our lives is increasingly going to be more and more determined by how we manage our own spirit.  How we are able to keep an inner peace when the world is fighting and angry.  How we will develop methods to strengthen our lives while to the detriment of our modern… Continue Reading

You will have people who like your positive spirit until it infringes on their way of life. You will have people that are inspired by your story until they realize to change means they have to rewrite their story and get out of their victim mindset. You will have people that want the results you… Continue Reading

When I attended the Growth Summit Conference in September 2016 in San Jose, one of the things that Brendon Burchard – Live. Love. Matter. said is that we have all faced rejection. Some of us more then others. He went on to share that studies show that most people have been rejected by one or two people,… Continue Reading

Imagine if you could “unfriend” people in real life with whom you disagree just as easily as you unfriend someone on Facebook. As a society we are finding it way too easy to “unfriend” people who disagree with us, cutting off discourse, compromise instead of finding ways to live with each other. We think we… Continue Reading

Some people will accept your vulnerability, some will shun you for it. Some will want to know your story, others will not be able to handle it. Some will want your gifts, others will feel you are are trying to buy their relationship or their love. Some people will love you unconditionally, others will love… Continue Reading

God tells us that bad company (family, friends, coworkers, and influences) ruins good morals (values, character, core beliefs)….. Be around people who not only act like they care, but you know they do. Be around people who ENCOURAGE you. Be around people who speak LIFE into you. Be around people who challenge your thoughts and… Continue Reading