No, God is not punishing you…

Religion teaches you that God punishes you. They say that he unconditionally loves you, but you are must do this and that and more of this and less of that to be in “good standing” or “have favor” or “be accepted” by God.

For me, that always feels like a lot of pressure. Pressure to perform and make sure once again I am perfect.

Pressure to make sure I know the rules so I don’t fuck up.

Pressure because if I do, well there I go, back to square one starting all over.

Geez. This is the definition of unconditional love?

I love the story of the lady at the well. God was drawing her to something deeper. Something more. Something that she really wanted.

He wasn’t telling her all the reasons why she was making bad choices or how it was creating devastation in her life by living with all these men or that she was the worst person on the planet or that she was not good enough or would never amount to anything or how it wasn’t going to bring her true happiness to live like this.

No, that is not what he did.

He drew her to what she really wanted. He drew her to a vision deeper than the moment. He drew her to what all of us want which is something that fills the heart. Something that is reassuring no matter what we do. Something that has more value.

And guess what, he is not doing any of that with you either.

Or me.

Even if religion says he is. He isn’t. They are. God is not.

The more I learn the power of who God,who he was then and and who he is now in my life, I am learning to do this better with myself.

Draw myself deeper to truth. To release those ways of teachings and beliefs that do not lead to unconditional love and freedom. To embrace the power within that is given to me by God. To fully embody love, pure love. To kindness, openly bold kindness. To courage. To radical generosity. To strength that is unstoppable. To faith. To even more love. Like depths of unconditional love that doesn’t seem possible. The kind that makes those around me wince because it is so different and they haven’t experienced they turn their head for a second look. The unconditional love that all of us deeply desire.

What would it be like if in every encounter you drew yourself to more of what you really wanted which would cause me to do the same? What if that is the journey of life that God has for you and me?

I love this reminder:

“God isn’t in the business of punishing us with reminders; instead, He pursues us with love. He doesn’t grimace at our failures; He delights in our attempts”.

– Bob Goff

My life is not based on performance.

My life is not based on your acceptance.

My life is not based on your opinion.

My life is not based on your judgement.

My life is not based on your rules.

My life is not based on limiting beliefs.

My life is not based on anything other than a foundation of faith, hope and unconditional love.

The more I learn this and live this, the more others will feel a greater strength in connection with God, with themselves and with me. Because that is life. In the here and now. Not the afterlife. This is what it looks like to live in the kingdom on earth. The current everyday life model.

How will you show yourself unconditional love today?

How can you live intentionally in freedom?

How can you create the life you REALLY want?