My second cousin, a talented lady of The Virginia House, is giving a giveaway since she has reached 1000 followers…can you imagine?  We were roomies for 3.5 years…and beyond being related, we know each other pretty well, who wouldn’t by living in a two story, 800sq ft cottage with one bathroom???  She has such great… Continue Reading

I love The Container Store…it is very hard to contain yourself in there though.  🙂  They are having a Tax Time Essentials Giveaway!   Check it out. Continue Reading

I won the giveaway!!!

Do you remember the Topiary giveaway?  It was posted on the 14th of December, 2010…yah awhile ago so I know you forgot!  Well, for the first time in my life (or nearly), I won something! from a giveaway!!!  Thanks Lois for the great giveaway! Here it is on my kitchen bar counter… cute huh? Continue Reading