Guest Blog Post:  How 8 Badass Woman Increased My Masculine Energy by Brian Jones

Guest Blog Post: How 8 Badass Woman Increased My Masculine Energy by Brian Jones

This past weekend, I was scheduled to attend an Influencers Weekend Retreat booked with 8 woman.

I didn’t want to go.

Once I found out that I was going to be the only dude there, a certain emasculation took over me. I didn’t want to be the only guy there!

“Let’s see, what excuse can I come up with?” I asked myself.

“Certainly, they would understand if I bailed,” I rationalized.

“They can’t expect me to be the only guy there.”

The former Brian would have cancelled. No doubt.

This Brian, however. This is a Brian that has a vision. This Brian coaches men and guides them on their head to heart transformation.

This Brian expects his clients to get vulnerable.

My attitude and opinion began to shift as I started exploring WHY I was feeling the way I was and what it meant.

I realized that I didn’t want to allow myself to be vulnerable in front of a bunch of women, because I was still allowing my ego to control what was going on between my ears.

“How can I expect my clients to get vulnerable and let their guard down during my coaching sessions, if I’m unwilling to do it myself?”

The answer was, I couldn’t.

I decided to not only go, but to go with the right attitude and intention.

I was not going to go into this retreat allowing my ego to feed me false stories.

One of the first exercises we did was eye gazing!!

This was so hard! We had to pick a partner and stare into each others eyes for 4 minutes!!

Talk about a way to become vulnerable.

I didn’t want to do it! I didn’t want to sit in the awkwardness.

I made a few jokes, then finally, accepted it, remembering what my intentions were for this weekend.

I stayed with the energy and moved into it.

The exercise went well and the end result was that I felt deeply connected.

I’m grateful that I went because I was able to hear some amazing stories and meet some new badass women. Each of these 8 woman have unique stories. Stories that make them want to inspire, love and influence the people around them. And they did this with me.

As I shared my story and practiced speaking in a group of people (which is a goal of mine), I felt that fiery masculine energy starting to rise inside me and I felt inspiration pulsing through every fiber of my being.

I knew at that moment, I was exactly where I needed to be.

We finished up exercises and our goal/vision statements. I was inspired! By the end of the retreat workshop, I was ready to apply some of what I learned.

When I got home, I did a “check in” with myself, which is the 4 A’s Process (Awareness, Acceptance, Amplify, Action) that my coach Brandon Hawk taught me.

However, I must have been in alignment with both my masculine and feminine energy because while I was flowing the energy, I ended up getting in this amazing meditative state where I felt my vibrations lighting my soul up and I felt empowered, as if nothing at that moment could touch me!

When you just run towards what is making you uncomfortable and detach yourself from any outcome, you can truly breakthrough and break free.

I would love to have a discussion with you about this process and share with you how it works!

You can schedule a call here or listen to the Jones Zone Podcast.

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