All of us are looking for ways to be able to be successful in our lives. Frequently, we will sit down and ask someone, what do you feel has been the most contributing factor to your success in life?

I love learning from other people. I love learning what the keys are that have made them achieve the results they want in their life. I love being able to improve what I am doing by shifting my thoughts on something, learning a different approach, understanding another perspective, being shown how to do something more effectively, or simply learning something new.

For me, I would say it is this: 

Simple disciplines done consistently over time produce results.

I was on a call two weeks ago with a client and shared with them that thought and how much it has changed my world, letting them know that they can get through this rough spell by changing some patterns and paradigms and working to create disciplines that they do consistently.

This truly has been one of my key’s to success in life. Creating processes on how I do things and always following through with being diligent to do them every single day, week, month has created phenomenal results from sleep patterns, to saving money, to an exercise routine, to cultivating friendships, to the number of books I read every year, to learning new skills, to anything and everything you can think of.

This client asked me when I came up with that quote. The fact is, that quote isn’t mine. It is from one of my absolutely favorite books called: The Slight Edge. that I read at least once every single year. I always get something out of the book or refresh myself on principals that are important and so it is one of my books I make sure I keep active in my library. I had my own version of a quote similar that I used previously to reading this book, but this one to me says it so much better that I dropped mine: Creating routines and being disciplined to do them is what generates success.

What would you say has been a key to helping you create the life you want? To help you achieve results? To get the success you desire in your own life?
#TheSassyVoice #CreateTheLifeYouWant #SimpleDisciplines #TheSlightEdge

will you give 2017 a clean slate?

I am choosing to walk into 2017 in simplicity, with peace, a clear heart and mind: If you owe me for something, don’t worry about repaying it, it is a Gift to You. I want to let you have it and keep it. No strings attached. And yes, you are welcome! Walk in Freedom. If… Continue Reading

I gave a total of $35k to various charity organizations in 2015…because I believe in them, I believe in what they are doing, I believe in their message, I believe in being generous, I believe in the ripple effect, I believe in helping others achieve their goals, I believe in making a difference in the… Continue Reading

This has been a fabulous weekend!  ~ Speed Dating Event – this is my 3rd time to do this and no, all 6 of the guys were a “no” which just helps me to become even clearer on what I am looking for in a man to join my life! I love that it is… Continue Reading

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The things YOU can control…1. Your beliefs 2. Your attitude 3. Your thoughts 4. Your perspective 5. How honest you are6. Who your friends are7. What books you read8. How often you exercise9. The type of food you eat10. How many risks you take11. How you interpret situations12. How kind you are to others13. How kind you are to… Continue Reading

I have been reflecting on all the opinions and negative thoughts people have on our government. I wonder why we point the finger at these people and don’t address the very issues in our own lives? I wonder why we expect our government to be different when we do the very same things they do… Continue Reading

Life has disappointments, unexpected results, challenges. Often. Ones that sometimes make you loose hope, to the point you can become angry or depressed. The normal response is to complain. To not look for the beauty in the ugly situation. To believe that you have a right to feel the way you do. And yes, there… Continue Reading

Where is this life vision? Why is it so hidden from me? How can I find it when he seems so buried deep inside of me? Is it a new vocation? A new designed path? Does it include a man or is this not my path? Is it a chance to pursue the gifts of… Continue Reading

In my coaching/mentoring, I am working on my vision for myself. One of the things I have neglected the last few months, matters a lot to me. Writing. Both in blogging and in writing my first book. So, I am making changes and will be intentionally allotting time again for the purposing to get back… Continue Reading