Guest Blog Post: Limitless by Grant Beckman

Guest Blog Post: Limitless by Grant Beckman

Limiting beliefs, we all have them. It’s that elephant in the room that no one likes to address. It is the ceiling, the capstone of how far you will let yourself to be allowed to experience life.

Having a limited belief is like a dog chained in a yard. The stake in the ground is the belief, and the length of the chain is how far you will allow yourself to live life being connected to that belief.

Limiting beliefs are hidden behind a lack of self confidence, fear, passivity, pain, being wounded, disappointments, shame, guilt, and they are taught to us. We believe the lie that a limited belief will keep us safe, protected, provide a sense of control and comfort, and order.

Living a life with limiting beliefs is like living in a prison cell with no bars. There is nothing there to keep you from being your greatest self, from truly living a connected passionate life.

So how do you identify a limiting belief?

It is by first accepting the power of your free will.

You have the power and authority to make your own decisions. From there the resistance will come, “Oh I could never do that because…..”, “I was never allowed to……”, “I’m a bad/terrible person if I…….”, “I really want to do this but it’s wrong”.

Accepting your free will fires up any warning alarms you might have.

Why do we accept the lie and live with limiting beliefs?

There are a few things we get from being limited; comfort, a false sense of peace, a feeling of self righteousness, acceptance from others, avoiding confrontation, and sometimes we just don’t know any better. We violate ourselves by surrendering our free will not knowing what it truly happening. Ignorance is not bliss its depriving you from life.

By removing free will from an individual and placing limited beliefs on them you castrate them from life. Force feeding lies of conformity, acceptance, and a false sense of satisfaction.

Well how do we break free from these limiting beliefs? Embrace each moment by asking yourself,

“What do I want?”

“What do I feel?”

“What do I want to do?”

Push past the fear, the rejection, the uncertainty and step into adventure. Step out of your yard, walk the sidewalk without your leash and enjoy yourself.

Life is an experience to be lived. To hold the power of free will and steer your path. Living passionately, authentic, and connected.

by Grant Beckman

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