Guest Blog Post: Are You Hiding by Kathy K Taylor

Last year, I ran a group program through Facebook with an incredible group of women. It was a space where people were open and honest and supportive, even when – especially when – hard things were happening. It was a very best kind of community. The overall feedback was positive, but I wanted to dig deeper.

“What was missing?” I wanted to know. The answer quite surprised me.

“You,” they said.

“We wish we would have seen more of YOU. The questions you asked challenged us. We thought about things in ways we’d never thought of before.”

One person even said part of her felt a little cheated because I’d pop in and share, but she felt that I was holding back.

A friend had shared something similar with me a year or so earlier.

When I ran a small group again, I received similar feedback.

When something happens once, maybe it’s a fluke. When it happens twice, my ears perk up. When it happens three times. It’s definitely a pattern.

I knew it was a pattern, but I kept hoping it would just change. (LOL)

My big question was “Really – why would they want more of me?” And this wasn’t some self-deprecating false humility question to make me feel better about myself. Part of the answer was that my BEING had something to offer that my DOING couldn’t fulfill. And I realized…

I was hiding.

I was happy to organize the group and challenge them intellectually, but I was hesitant to invest myself emotionally.

I was hiding.

I was reluctant to show and share more of me.

I was hiding.

I was afraid if I said too much I’d hurt, offend, or misunderstand someone.

I was hiding.


I didn’t trust that who I was, the BE part of me, was as valuable as the DO part of me. So I only offered the DO part. It’s easier to take when that part gets rejected or ignored. I was afraid I wouldn’t find real connection. But it’s the BE part that creates meaningful connections between ourselves and others.

We all hide to some extent – some of us more than others. Rejection says if “everyone” knew who we are, they wouldn’t like us. They wouldn’t buy from us. They would push us aside and tell us we’re stupid. I bet all that and more has happened to you. It hurts. It’s disconnection.

But, the brave thing, the resilient thing, the thing that takes more strength and more boldness is to show up again and again as our real selves.

Yep – Disconnection and Rejection are in the audience. Can you see them in Row 4? They’re looking for a good show. They want to see what you can DO.

Connection’s out there, too. Near the back. She knows there’s more to see and she’s waiting patiently, encouraging you. She’s cheering you on each time you take a risk to BE your true self, to share your wisdom, to lead courageously, to BE as you.

She looks a LOT like you.

Do you see her?

If you would like to talk more about how you are hiding and explore how to be you, connect with me below!

Guest Blog Post: Unfamiliar Places by Kathy K Taylor

I have these two horses… Roxy is what you would call energy efficient. She’s super dependable, easy to manage and I can pretty much count on her to be level-headed in any situation. We have been together a long time so our communication can be really subtle. My other horse, Isaac, was literally born to… Continue Reading

I would have lost heart…when I had to fight for 3.5 years with the Honda dealership over prepaid maintenance that I paid for but was charged each and every time I came in (11 times), unless I believed that if I was patient and kept sticking to the documents and asking for resolution, I would… Continue Reading

I would have lost heart…when I got diagnosed with Moderately Severe Depression February 2017, unless I believe this would help me learn more about myself and help me love myself more. I would have lost heart…when I didn’t have the strength to do my everyday chores, due to endless fatigue and sleepless nights, unless I… Continue Reading

Being vulnerable and sharing your heart doesn’t mean you are weak…it means you are being honest. You are willing to quit living in a mask and be open, authentic and truly live in reality. It means you know you have dark deep work to do. It means you aren’t willing to be like everyone else… Continue Reading

I would have lost heart…when my parents told me I was never welcome back in their home…unless I believed that I could have a better life for myself, one full of love, peace, harmony, joy, and happiness – the abundant life that God has given me, and to walk away after 20 years of abuse… Continue Reading

I would have lost heart…when my employer fired me for a blog post on my personal blog August 2010…unless I knew what I had written wasn’t wrong or out of place or dishonest, but in reality it was his excuse for letting me go for not lying and covering for him to the partner of… Continue Reading

I am a huge fan of the Band For King and Country.  So when I learned they were producing a movie about how each of us are Priceless and Worthy, I was anxious to see it. And so when I was tagged in an activity for the Gateway Church Singles for some Friday Night Fun,… Continue Reading

Fear of failure and rejection is a universal feeling. Everyone experiences these fears at some point in their lives. As long as we use fear as a drive to overcome, to get back up and keep moving forward even when it seems impossible, or to open up our hearts and trust again, we can achieve… Continue Reading

I posted this today Facebook: The LiveBIG Mastery Coaching Call was desperately needed for me today. Facing some extreme negative self talk since returning from LiveBIG. Irritated with myself for having this issue. Frustrated that this is my default pattern. The fight for having courage and facing my fears is great!!! Please pray for me!… Continue Reading