poem ~ I’ll build a new tribe

I’ll build a new tribe 
that’s honest and real,
Not living in bullshit
with fake statements or feels.

I’ll build a new tribe
that’s genuine and true,
And works through all conflict 
because it matters to you.

I’ll build a new tribe 
that knows life has pain,
And isn’t expecting me to live
hiding it all in vain.

I’ll build a new tribe
that’s not wearing a mask,
And telling me to get over
the knife stuck in my back.

I’ll build a new tribe 
that has love in their hearts, 
And isn’t jealous of my path
but supports every part.

I’ll build a new tribe 
that wants to grow and learn,
For I’m not into numbers
but connections that yearn.

I’ll build a new tribe 
and surround myself with greatness,
For I was designed by the best
in all of this important quest.

© Misty W Gilbert