will you give 2017 a clean slate?

will you give 2017 a clean slate?

I am choosing to walk into 2017 in simplicity, with peace, a clear heart and mind:
If you owe me for something, don’t worry about repaying it, it is a Gift to You. I want to let you have it and keep it. No strings attached. And yes, you are welcome! Walk in Freedom.
If you wronged me, I have accepted it and am letting it do it’s perfect work in me. God has used it as a lesson for me. I may not have learned it all, but it’s part of my journey and He will make it all good. I trust that I will understand each lesson as I am supposed to.
If you’re angry with me, you’ve won. But I’m truly sorry you are keeping this anger from creating a deeper connection between us.
If your harboring any type of ill feelings against me, you’ve succeeded at keeping them close in your heart and mind by not sharing it with me to make amends. I’d love for you to get this off your chest so we can begin anew.
If we aren’t speaking and you don’t want to hear from me, know this is your choice. But I will still love you.
If you feel I wronged you, please accept my “I am so very sorry.” … “I apologize.” … “I Love You.” I want to restore and fix it, if you will let me listen and hear your side, I want to. It’s never my heart to leave things in a bad shape or to hurt you. I most definitely can’t fix something you do not give me a chance to resolve. Nor can I force you to see my side or share my perspective. But I would pray that you’d at least be willing to at minimum.
No mater what, life is way too freaking short for all the pent up feelings of holding of grudges, guilt, shame, anger, hurt, and staying in bondage!
I want more for you!!! I truly do love you and I want you to settle for MORE in your journey…I hope that we can do it together by starting 2017 with more peace, love and freedom!!!
Will you join me in spreading more love, creating a positive view, and freeing each other with a clean slate???