God’s Will for Your Life

Religion teaches you that your desires, your gifts, your passions, your calling must be checked against God’s Will for your life.

On the cross, seconds before His death, Jesus said: Your will be done. Did He live every day of His life questioning God’s desire for His life? Or did He just do the work, following the path, staying in connection, living from the heart? Had he not been doing God’s Will the previous 3 years of his journey? Was He only doing it when He made this statement in His final breath? And The Father replied to this statement: It is Finished. Maybe this is the confirmation that in reality: My Will is Finished and you’ve completed it all.

Think about this.

What if your desires, your gifts, your passions, your calling are one and the same with God’s? You’re made from the same seed. You are love. You are whole. You are complete.

What if since He created them means He gave them to you? What if He wants you to discover them inside of you and tap into the greatness within? What if He has given you lots of power? What if you are here for a purpose?
What if your will and God’s will aren’t separate? What if that isn’t even possible? What if you and God are one? And when you live in your desires, gifts, passions, calling you are showing the world God’s Love and Gifts?

#ADifferentPerspective #TheCoreOfOurHeart #GodIsLove #MadeFromTheSameStuff #Loved #LiveIntentionallyInFreedom #Truth #ChurchWithMisty