Prayer 12.20.2016

Dear Lord,
As we near the celebration of your birth in just 5 short days, may we feel the essence of this season more deeply. May we connect with you more fully. May we exude more love, grace and mercy not just to others, but to ourselves.
May we reflect on all the fruits of the spirit and what that looks like in every aspect of our lives. When the day feels long, dark, and we are lost, figuratively or literally, may we first seek you for direction, wisdom and guidance. May we have more hope when we feel an increase of doubt. May we find more gratitude when we are seeing and feeling more intense stress.

May we be diligent to pursue you fully with all our heart, our mind, our soul, our strength because you are love, light, life and truth!
In your powerful loving name that brings happiness to my soul, AMEN!
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