WOOT!!! I passed my Advanced Accounting Class!

I graduated High School December 1991 at age 15.  I have done many educational conferences and courses for work related purposes, but never a college course simply to further my education.  I decided to do this 10 week Advanced Accounting Course when I learned that you can do free courses at Coursera.  If you want it to be certified, you can pay for that (or you can skip that and not do it, like I did).  

Initially when I signed up, I thought it was going to be easy to do with my work and travel schedule.  3-7 hours of videos a week.  One weekly homework test.  A semi-final exam halfway through and a final the week of Thanksgiving.  

Ugh.  I have not done true school in 22 years.  What was I thinking?

The pressure mounted.  If I had stayed up on doing a video once daily, it wouldn’t be so bad, but no, I would push it off until Friday, Saturday and Sunday, they final day my test was due each week.  It was harder than I thought.  Aspects of this course were easy to go through.  Some stuff wasn’t.  The tests were nothing the curriculum we studied for during the week and the presentations by the professor.  I don’t understand schools who switch their methods on you.    

One of my friends asked why I felt I needed to do this.  Didn’t I think I was smart enough already?  When I explained that I knew very little about amortization and depreciation as it relates to taxes and accounting, along with the appropriate way to do line item adjustments, I felt I had lots to learn.  She laughed at me and said you have already lost me.  Awwwhhhhhhh!  My friends who don’t have to work to make a living and have a husband who takes care of them.  Send a sugar daddy my way and I won’t have to do school 22 years later either.

I completed the full 10 week course.  And I got word today that I passed!!!  I passed my Advanced Accounting class!!!!!!!  

No, I didn’t get the score I wanted, but I passed and that is what matters, even if my Mom would not be pleased because it wasn’t 100%, I am pleased that I stuck with it and I learned some things to help my clients as I interact with their CPA’s.

THANK YOU to all of you who prayed for me, who encouraged me, who believed in me…you are the bestest friends in the world!  each of YOU a bunch.