dinner to a friend…

This month, I did something different…instead of having company for lunch…I took dinner to a friend who had surgery recently and is trying to recover.  The plans were made late in the day, so I had to do some last minute planning.  I worked until 3pm and then had 3 errands, the last one being the grocery store. I got a few needed supplies and rushed home to prepare and cook the meal.

Chicken in a Pablano Pepper Cream Sauce topped with cheese (I do not know the name of this dish…but I have had it out at some mexican restaurants and LOVED it – so I improvised and made my own!)
Steamed Sugared Carrots
Black Beans topped with Feta Cheese
Asiago Bread
Pickles & Olives

I took the food over to Manual & Renee (they are staying at Brent & Jennifer’s while they are gone).  We ate pretty much as soon as I arrived and chatted all dinner and then moved to the couches in the living room.  Maryssa did all the clean up.  🙂  I helped her get Jennifer’s batch of Kombucha going and then headed home.  So much fun to cook for more than one person!  Get well Renee!