signs…with a message

signs…with a message

Okay, I am in love with this sign…I thought it was sooooooooooo cute and just my style.  I had to grab my camera phone (and quickly put it on silent so that I could snap a picture of it and nobody hear me do so) at one of my favorite shops (nope I won’t tell you where since I actually didn’t get permission to take the picture or post it on my blog for free advertising – LOL), then I texted it to a friend who emailed it to me since I don’t have the internet on my phone…(please, don’t give me a hard time for being too cheap now).  I love the simplicity of the colors, the message and the shape…but for $199???   uh ummmmmmm, yah not that much. 
Maybe I will try to make it.  Think I can???