FREE Card Class

FREE Card Class is turning THREE YEARS OLD this month! We are so excited to have made such an incredible journey with YOU, and I feel like we’ve only just begun. 

As you know, I offer a FREE CLASS every now and then, as my way not only of sharing all that we have to offer here at – the best instruction, the friendliest community, the most amazing atmosphere and products – but also as my way of GIVING BACK to an industry that has given me so very much in my own life and work.  To that end, I’d like to announce my next free class, one that takes on a whole new direction. Introducing Computer Tricks for Cards!  We’re meshing two of my very favorite subjects for the first time ever! In this week-long class we’ll explore techniques you can create with your computer and then add your own touches, for incredible, giftable greetings. Handmade cards are gifts in and of themselves, and what better way to share and send your memories, your skills AND your love with those in your life? I’ll show you lots of creative techniques as we make a dozen different cards together!

Class begins bright and early on June 28!  To register, simply click here, and enter the following access code: JSCTcardsFree2010.  Please share this link with all your friends and family – anyone who sends cards can benefit!