I’ve worked with numbers, accounting, billing and data for 20 Years.   I love analytics.  I love analogies.  I love math.  I love numbers.  It always adds up.  It always makes sense.  It always balances (unless you have done something wrong).  It always has a cause and effect.  It always is black and white.  It… Continue Reading

I was at a function this past week and having a conversation with some individuals regarding my Social Media Break between Christmas and New Years and the reasons behind this.  As the group of us were discussing what people share on Facebook, how some use it to create relationships, why some people love Facebook, we particularly… Continue Reading

Someone says: She is a bitch. The truth is: She is acting like a bitch, but that isn’t her. The double truth is: We ALL can act that way. There isn’t one of us that doesn’t know how to be ugly, to be rude, to snap back. To say hateful, hurtful, demeaning things. There isn’t… Continue Reading

What if we LOVED each other more?  Really loved each other. What if we didn’t just say: I LOVE YOU as a Facebook comment, but actually showed in actions we loved someone?   What if we took the time, to look someone in the eyes today and tell them what they meant to us?  How… Continue Reading

I took a 7 Day Social Media Break between Christmas Day and New Years. I debated about doing just 5 days, 7 days, 8 days or even extending it to a full 10 days. In the end, I went with 7 days. I have been asked several questions around this, so I thought I would… Continue Reading

Imagine if you could “unfriend” people in real life with whom you disagree just as easily as you unfriend someone on Facebook. As a society we are finding it way too easy to “unfriend” people who disagree with us, cutting off discourse, compromise instead of finding ways to live with each other. We think we… Continue Reading

Some people will accept your vulnerability, some will shun you for it. Some will want to know your story, others will not be able to handle it. Some will want your gifts, others will feel you are are trying to buy their relationship or their love. Some people will love you unconditionally, others will love… Continue Reading

I had a strategic business partner of a client who is working on a project along with me that deleted my 3 emails sent November 15th. They refused to open or read them because they “didn’t know me”. When I contacted the individual 3 days later to try to follow up and learned of this,… Continue Reading

When we realize that we have all hurt people, there isn’t one of us who hasn’t hurt or offended someone, you then understand that the only way to counteract that is to love. You choose to love.  Be kind.  Say I’m sorry. Pray for them. Pray for you. Encourage them where you can and where… Continue Reading

I’m on my new path Without you It’s both freeing And yet it hurts so deeply it’s true. Not ashamed of my pain Sometimes it’s motivation To face the crowd and the critics And show them what real love is. To avoid my pain Won’t ever allow me to fully heal For I wanna live… Continue Reading

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