You come to the door and ask if I have time, To talk to you a minute about some problems that aren’t mine.   No sooner do I get done making an action plan, And the phone call rings again with another demand.   I hang up from the call and try to think things… Continue Reading

I sit here and contemplate the happenings of my day, And all the things that have transpired in so many ways. What makes people promise things they never plan to provide, With words and actions that never once aline? What makes people take a role that they aren’t fit to do, Instead of being honest… Continue Reading

A doctors life is spent every day, Seeing multiple patients in all kinds of ways. Many times with no lunch or dinner too, As they try to keep up with paperwork just to make it through. So many laws on everyone’s back, State and Federal bureaus always out to attack. They no longer have a… Continue Reading

The salty ocean air blowing through my curly hair, As I gaze at the sea surrounding all of me. How vast the hue in the colors of blue, How warm the sun as I sit on my bum. To catch a glimpse of the sun as it slips, Into the blue away from my view.… Continue Reading

Quit being fake and acting like you are better, As if you have everything figured out in how you live your life all together. Quit being fake and telling me to let it go, When the journey is in part about holding on so you grow. Quit being fake and telling me to suck it… Continue Reading

You give your all, it isn’t enough. You say I am sorry, to restore the connection. You are ignored, the tears don’t stop. You want friends, but only see one sided relationships. Your heart is pierced, the pain doesn’t stop. You still give your heart, even tho the bleeding doesn’t stop. You want to have… Continue Reading

God gave you a gift what will you do, To make it useful for those around you? God gave you a gift with a burning desire, To share a message of hope and deeply inspire. God gave you a gift to use every day, It was never meant to stay hidden away. God gave you… Continue Reading

Friendships mean so much to me, They drive my motivation to be the one I want to see. Friendships are a tool that help you get through life, And yet they seem to cause endless heartache and strife. Friendships don’t happen overnight anymore, They take cultivating deep roots to the core. Friendships seem fragile no… Continue Reading

The project in front of me is consuming my time, I don’t get to think much outside of these lines. To control the outcome requires from the start, That I keep my head down pressing on towards the mark. I’ve done it before and I will do it again, To turn around a medical practice… Continue Reading

I refuse to be average even if that means, I will loose others who don’t understand having dreams. I refuse to be average and sit back and ask, What God wants of me when He requires me to act. I refuse to be average under any terms, For the mission is great even when there… Continue Reading

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