You offend someone. You hurt them. You insult them. You trigger them to become angry. Now what? For me, I always try to first see it from their perspective. What did I say that offended you? How did I hurt you? How did I insult you? How did I trigger your anger button? Once I… Continue Reading

There are 2 sides to every story: When you want to understand you will ask questions. When you want to judge and make assumptions, you won’t ask questions. When you desire the truth, you will seek to find it. When you want to live in peace, you will do everything to create healing, love and… Continue Reading

Dear Misty, I will always ♡ LOVE ♡ YOU!!! You are my beautiful princess. I made you with a gorgeous beauty to share with the world. With lovely deep blue eyes that want to see everything from everyone else’s perspective. A head of dark bouncy girls that make you a doll. You have amazing skin.… Continue Reading

You might not like the way someone handles some things. You might feel they are unfair. You might do things differently. You might be done and want out. You might be upset. You might have a lot of feelings over the circumstances. You can always choose to take the high road. You can always be… Continue Reading

Do you ever have something you want to say to a friend, either in person or in a written format and you don’t know how to say it?  Or maybe you just feel that you just don’t have the right words?   Maybe sometimes you know.  You know you don’t know how to say it… Continue Reading

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