reflections on today’s message…

What is Your Heart’s Desire?

What does God want in my heart? a committed heart with a single minded focus to seek His will. Are you willing to show by your actions, words, enthusiasm, lifestyle, commitment, that you are dedicated to serving the one true God in the way He wants us to?  (First to your own Friends and Family…Second to the world we live in.)

What’s important to me: to be comfortable in today’s culture or to love and serve my God with my heart, soul and mind?

Psalm 139:23 & 24   Are you ready to truly and honestly say:   Show Me…Teach Me…Lead Me…on You I Wait

I Corinthians 10:23

Satan works in millimeters at a time, dulling our senses, bombarding us, to the point we are unwilling to say no (to anything). Satan can and will confuse our minds until we are unclear as to what our heart’s desire is.  Any distraction can make us loose focus and understanding.

Submit to God. Draw Near. Purify Myself. Love with a Pure Heart.  (James 4:7&8, I John 3:3, I Peter 1:22) 

Proverbs 3:5-10  He must influence the small mundane decision everyday to clearly understand what your heart’s desire is.

Don’t let God become secondary interest in your life!  What is your heart’s desire?