a memory of a time with Tyson…

a memory of a time with Tyson…

My mind has been running through memories with Tyson…unfortunately, my photograph collection is only in digital format now because I never seem to print them since converting to that type of format and camera…plus all other photos are either in boxes or packed away for the someday project I plan to get organized.  This is the last one that I can remember right off the top of my head of one of my last times with Tyson, we stayed at the Donohoe’s house and this picture was taken before we all split in different cars to head to December Camp.

Virginia December Camp 2006
guys (left to right):  Todd Swanson, Clark Tarwater, Tyson Motto, Troy Swanson and Jr Gomez
girls (left to right):  Marie Donohoe, Brooke Payton & Misty Gilbert