another update on Terry

I received a restricted phone number call on my cell this morning. It was my mom delivering a message for me to please call Terry, which I did. He wanted me to know that the doctor is releasing him today around noon. Terry did not sleep well or much at all last night. He was given more medicine after his shot, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. He is stressing a lot this morning and when I asked over what he couldn’t say. He is not himself. I left a message for Jeff, he was in a meeting and so I text him the information also. I then called Drex who thought I should talk more with the social worker to get more information to questions I had, which I did. According to the information she provided me, Terry does not meet criteria to stay there or to be admitted to the state hospital. They are not giving him the medications he is used to or that he wants to help his anxiety and like symptoms, from the mere fact of the overdose that took place. There are several reasons for this. They will be giving him a script for 7days worth of medicine that they have had him on in the hospital which I will drop off at the pharmacy for him. She states he is firm in that he wants to go home. She said she will have paperwork for me and that he & I need to do the phone consultation with the rehab place. He is scheduled to follow up with his PCP on Wednesday. I may be staying with Terry the rest of the day and not return to work…just don’t know what the plan will be.