another update on Terry

I attended family counseling today at 3pm at the hospital with the therapist, Jeff and Terry.  Jeff arrived as quickly as he could after getting stopped by the police for them misreading his inspection sticker with it being current and him not thinking it was and then the train delayed him even more in Crowley.  It was an hour long session.  When you have no watch to keep track of the time and no clock in the room, its really hard to know if you are on track with time or not.  The therapist asked Terry questions, us questions, things were discussed & referenced to his childhood, what brought him to Texas, what he has done since he has been here and what his plans are from here.  Terry was pretty much in the same mood he was last night: calm, talkative enough to carry on a conversation, but still determined that he doesn’t want to live and his life has a bleek outlook.  The therapist said she believes he is being honest and not hiding anything.  She believes it will be his choice, but with this being his 6th attempt at suicide she is not sure we can change his attitude in how it is bent.  She said we are doing all we can other than to be with him 100% of the time, which she said is not really possible and still will not prevent this happening again.  She didn’t have any recommendations to us at this time other than to keep doing what we know to do and are doing.  She said she can tell he has a great support system and believes we need to keep praying.  She said no matter the outcome, we can not feel guilty for his choices.  In ways it was  good time, and in other ways sad, as it confirms what we have felt was the simple truth, Terry doesn’t want to be here on earth.  After counseling, I left as Russell was there to visit Terry and he had a few minutes with him.  Warren also came and had some time with Terry.  Jeff came out and so I went back it, but it was right at the time they were saying that visiting hurs were over.  Our paperwork said it was 4 – 5pm, but its really only 4 – 4.45pm…it was wrong the nurse told me.  So I told Terry goodbye and that I would plan then to come up at 7pm and see him again since I didn’t visit with him other than in the counseling session.