another update on Terry

The social worker for Terry at the Behavior Health Unit in the hospital called me this morning and wanted to talk to me and ask me some questions regarding his situation.  We talked for about17minutes.  She wanted me to know that so far Terry is not cooperating this morning and wants to go “ama” (against medical advice).  She is not sure what the outcome will be at this time or where things will go from here.  He was admitted to the Behavior Health Program on a voluntary basis.  If he changes his agreement to that, that will change what they do with him.   She said they want him to be there 3-5days and to get him stable and adjust his medications. I made sure she was aware that we want him to receive all the help he can and confirmed with her that I will be there in the one hour and fifteen minute timeframe that I am allowed to come and visit him each day.