another update on Terry

I went to see Terry on my way to work and arrived about 08:20am.  Jeff was there and the two of them were visiting.  Terry was more alert and awake, but his demeanor was not as pleasant as it was last night.  He didn’t want to eat breakfast, expressed he still doesn’t want to live, he has no hope, doesn’t deserve to be treated well, blames himself for everything, etc.  Jeff tried to help with the areas that he needs to overcome truth with the lies he is believing, but it was met with resistance.  Jeff left about 30min after I arrived and I stayed another 45min.  I had a meeting scheduled over lunch with my client and knew I would not be able to make it back so I decided to stay and to visit a bit more with him and go into work late.  By the time I left I had convinced him to eat half of his breakfast even though he said it was not very tasty.  We read two different passages while I was there, Isaiah 55 and Proverbs 30, as he requested me to read.