2010 Goals & Resolutions

personal goals
#1 begin each day in prayer that God direct me in my path & integrity of my heart; remember Sunday is renew your spirit day, no business work stuff

#2 create and implement Balance in all areas of the wheel of life (spiritual, physical, intellectual, family, social, career, and financial – each of these have goals within them)

#3 organize, cull, condense, minimize, sell or use up things in & around the casa – attack a section of a room each week for 30minutes

#4 lead a quiet life, one that creates peace; remove anything that doesn’t contribute to this

#5 read 2 &/or listen to 2 audio books a month, at minimum

#6 make a list of things that need to be fixed, completed, or started on my house with regards to repairs/maintenance improvements – get two done a month

#7 resume monthly piano lessons – starting January 2010; establish a schedule for piano practicing to keep to commitment

#8 health: commit to a workout schedule 3-4 times weekly; log into sparkpeople.com daily; resume diet with no wheat, sugar or trans fats; take all vitamins & supplements daily; get 8hrs or more of sleep

#9 email my friends weekly; write my friend in prison once a month; entertain company once a month on Saturday night or Sunday afternoon

#10 pay off 2nd mortgage by the end of 2010

business goals
#1 complete design of website (www.medicalaccountsolutions.com) by February 1st, 2010

#2 create P&P Manual by June 2010 to include vision statement, mission statement, expectations for excellence, bonus/profit sharing structure, other benefits, expense reimbursement guidelines, dress code, time keeping, HIPAA compliance, etc

#3 review EntreLeadership materials quarterly for refreshment & encouragement (rehearse, execute, review)

#4 enroll in accounting courses to further education -fall 2010; take a course in Microsoft Office to learn more about graphs and pivots

#5 quarterly check in with EntreLeadership friends to motivate, encourage, gather ideas, share and cheer each other on success

#6 stick to weekly plan to help employer achieve financial goals for 2010 for cash flow

#7 complete all back filing for employer by summer 2010

#8 encourage positive thinking, support and morale of all coworkers & team

#9 review & define motivation, delegation, responsibility, accountability, and authority in my position so that I have a clear picture in view to stay focused on what I expect of me

#10 as a leader, I must be different