another update on Terry

I saw Terry tonight along with Tom & JoLinda. He was sitting up in bed and did not have oxygen on at all, very good sign. He said he was hungry and they said he could have more hot broth, but no solid foods yet. He was talking more and much more alert. We got Power of Attorney paperwork completed. Sylvia Woodall notarized the form. Michelle & Uncle Tom were witnesses. Uncle Tom had quite a bit of time with him while we waited in the waiting room area. We left the hospital about 9.30pm and went to IHOP as none of us had eaten dinner yet. He is to have his physiatric evaluation tomorrow and after that they should move him to the 3rd floor to that division, hopefully sometime tomorrow.

Thanks for all your continued prayers. I am still doing well, but beginning to be exhausted, hopefully a bit more sleep will do the trick.