another update on Terry

I ended up not staying with Terry the rest of the day as he said he wanted to go with Jeff.  When I got off work, I called Jeff to see how things were going and what the plan was.  Terry had said he was tired and wanted to take a nap and Jeff told him that probably was a good idea.  Well, out of habit, Jeff had left the keys in the car and Terry left.  We were not sure where he might have gone since his cell phone has not been working since all this happened with it getting ruined by moisture, we had no way to contact him.  Jeff thought he might be at Verizon getting a replacement, so I went to the one on 174 that he normally goes to, then scanned the WalMart parking lot, then to the other Verizon store…no black Honda Accord.  Believe me, my heart was praying: “Lord no, please no.”  I dropped something off at Aunt Connie’s, ran home to change clothes and get flip flops on, get the mail and pickup the Power of Attorney paperwork & hospital discharge paperwork and take it to Jeffs.  As I pulled into the driveway, I saw Terry’s car…and yes, it was a relief!  I stopped in to talk to Lorrie & Elizabeth and while I was in there, Terry came over.  He said he had run to get cigarettes and more medicine, which he had to pay for because he was over his Medicaid allotment.  I don’t know how the Medicaid program works, if he has a set dollar amount they allow vs if it was refill to soon I don’t think they would allow him to purchase it.  We hung out on Jeff’s couch for about an hour visiting, he called Uncle Tom from my cell phone, and then he was getting a bit tired and wanted to head home.  I asked him what his plans were and he said he was going to take one day at a time…I was glad to hear that from him because I have told him all along this 5month journey, all we have is one day at a time and its one step at a time that gets us in the direction we need to go, so this was good to hear.  Jeff & Mastin arrived home about 10minutes after Terry had headed back to his place.  I stayed another hour knitting on the couch with Elizabeth and Lorrie, and I finished the long 2year project I have been working on: baby blanket for Carter!