a weekend of relaxing…

I took this Holiday weekend off from work…all three days…no work, no business work. I did whatever I wanted to do.  If that was nothing, I did nothing.  If that was sleep, I slept.  I f that was reading, knitting, playing the piano, lounging by the pool or working on a project around the house, I did that!  It is hard for me to say No to Work, especially when I have lots to do and am not current with it.  But I said No.  I kept my promise to myself.  I did No Work All Weekend!  I did something each day, Friday – Monday, with Michelle.  I also got all the trim primed on the 3 new windows put in my office and the other trim around the windows replaced in my whole house 2 years ago done.  I still have the final coat to do, but one step has been accomplished!  I feel more rested…and ready to refocus the month of June on my business and come up with my new game plan.

What did you do this weekend?