Let Go. Let God.

Things come in your life many times just when you need them.  I believe that with all my heart.  It has happened too many times to not believe it!!!

I got a letter from my brother this weekend.  He attempted suicide recently, yet again.  When he was here in Texas in December 2009 – November 2010 you may remember a post in which I put up an item obtained after doing Family Counseling with the Counselor at the Hospital (after his 6th attempt at suicide, my 1st to experience 1st hand)…it was called Letting Go.  In the letter my brother said not to feel like I needed to share with anyone about this…but  my heart grieves for him.  I haven’t known how to respond to the letter…and today a friend had this picture on her Facebook page.  Did she know I needed this reminder yet again?  No, I doubt she did because I didn’t post anything about my heart, about my pain, about the feelings I was feeling all over again.  But the One who knows my thoughts, my prayers, my feelings before I can utter a word.  He knew I needed the reminder again.  Let Go.  Let God.

Thank You to my girlfriend for bringing me what I needed! 

Thank You God for being an all knowing God.  

Thank You God for being my friend.  

Thank You God for giving me comfort.  

Thank You God for giving me a way to Let Go.